The Warrior Attack

1.7kg. 18”x12”x8” 46cmx30cmx20cm. (180figures)

Well I have finally rallied myself to get motivated and get back into it.  I haven’t been idle, what with social events surrounding me turning 69 and having to put away a few pints!!   We also had a few social events down in the city.   I won’t rabbit on about the garden but it has certainly taken up a lot of our time especially, as for some strange reason, I decided to grow some winter crops just to add to the burden I suppose.

Well this little fellow (no, not me!) falls into the medium size as I had some caps and bases from when I was  back in the city and decided I had better put them to use.  The helmeted guys I had left over from one of the previous dioramas, mainly Zveda’s Spartans and Greeks.  I went for the African warriors after seeing some on the Plastic Soldier Review and decided they were for me as I wanted a large group of fellows charging.  The sets I chose were the HAT Zulu warriors, unmarried Zulu warriors, the Natal native contingent, and the Esci/Italeri Zulu warriors. The walls are made from bricks I made from air drying clay long ago, and to add to the scene, I added some old wire trees left over from some previous show.

I must add that for my birthday my wife gave me a brilliant set of Dry Brushes from Army Painter. They have certainly made my poor dry brushing a little better.  I used to make my own tufts but my gift also included some of their excellent tufts which I highly recommend.

Well that’s it for now, I have no idea what’s coming next so until then keep well, Cheers Pat.

22 thoughts on “The Warrior Attack

    1. patmcf

      Thanks mate, hopefully with winter coming soon I might be able to produce a bit more but don’t hold your breath as I think I have said that before and failed😅😅😉

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Kuribo

    Happy belated Birthday! I’m glad you got to celebrate and getting some Army Painter brushes and tufts sounds great to me. I’ve had good results with both and their drybrushes are my preferred choice for that sort of thing as well.

    The diorama is sensational. So much to take in and it was well worth painting that large roster of miniatures to populate it. I think you did a nice job showing two very different looking armies squaring off. That really makes it visually appealing! You’ve outdone yourself again with this one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. patmcf

      Oh mate so kind👍🏻, That is big praise , it’s going to make me work harder in the future😉. Thanks for the birthday salute it was grand as always my daughters do like to celebrate any family events , like today Jill’s being spoiled for Mother’s Day🍹.
      The brushes certainly made a difference so much so one of the girls commented on it, sadly the photos don’t show my improvements that you yourself prompted me to do.
      Dave’s TIM’s news was fantastic, it will be great to see what he comes up with after spending all that loot 😅👍🏻.

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      1. Kuribo

        Glad to hear it! Between you and TIM, I imagine we’re going to have some big projects coming soon and possibly some suffering wives who have to look at them 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. patmcf

        😂😂😂👍🏻, yep, as I just said to John I have one more base and top the same size but am still working out which guys I have painted win the show 🤔.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. patmcf

      Thanks mate I’m glad you like this one, I have one more of theses bases and caps of this size so I’m weighing up which theme get the go ahead , maybe I’ll make them do Paper Rock Scissors 😅😅😉

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