The Warrior Attack

1.7kg. 18”x12”x8” 46cmx30cmx20cm. (180figures) Well I have finally rallied myself to get motivated and get back into it.  I haven’t been idle, what with social events surrounding me turning 69 and having to put away a few pints!!   We also had a few social events down in the city.   I won’t rabbit on about the […]

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British Infantry

Well today’s post is a very brief one as we have had a brief glimpse of summer and the chores around the patch have only become bigger as we also had some unseasonal rain!  You know what heat and moisture does … everything suddenly grows bigger, including the weeds!   Well enough of that. What we […]

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Some British Cavalry

Today I’m just posting some British cavalry from the Napoleonic period I painted up earlier in the year. Yet, I have only just based them up like the 95th I posted a couple of days ago. The first mob is the Waterloo 1815 set of British Heavy Dragoons another favourite of mine, the second set […]

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More Beer Cans

Just before the eye Op, I was messing around with some of the beer cans that I had plastered up but had not as yet put any figures into them, when I found some Elmers Glow in the Dark glue and felt that I had to try it out.   It said it was safe and […]

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English Civil War Seige Artillery

Well I have been going through and finishing jobs that never got completed and I can say with certainty there are a lot. What with winter upon us and all the vegetables and fruit either dried or turned into chutney’s, relish or any other recipe that I could find done, I can hopefully apply myself […]

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Samurais Part 1.

Samurai’s Part 1.   23cmx12cm Well I have had a change of plan and have skipped on to the new project my Samurai series.  This was the first one I started but had to put it on hold as I realised I didn’t have enough cavalry so I had to buy some more.  They are part […]

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Dark Riders.

Black Riders. 24cm x 13cm I have finally finished two things this year and they are both Dark Alliance black riders.  Today I’m putting up the larger one.  I have used one of my Jarvis ruins to which I added a bit more base area with some Foam board and plaster, as well as a […]

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