Something Different

Well my lucky crew I have some amazingly exciting photos I took yesterday and today! Hold on don’t get to excited they are just some shots of the Victoria the State I live in, about the same size as the UK but with a lot less people, like a couple of squillion!

I had to take the TA that some of you know back to S.A. an eight hour trip there and back about 700 km (435 miles) and in doing so we had to cross what’s called the northern plains, it is autumn but it’s still realty pleasant weather, around thirty degrees C, so good for driving, not too good when it gets up to the high thirties and above which it can.

Anyway it was great trip even if it was short and hopefully the TA can get stuck into the tiny house so she can get it back to her block next to ours, I have to say she was a great help getting the elderly folk move up here, I don’t think we would have been able to do so with getting divorced even though we have just had our thirty fifth anniversary!!!

Keep fit and enjoy the stunning photos !!

40 thoughts on “Something Different

  1. patmcf

    Ha ha ! Just reread it mate! I’m trying to do posts without the proofreader ! Obviously it’s not working , alls well mate I’ll have to go back to getting the Jill to check my bleating as I obviously can’t be trusted on my own 😅😅😅.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. theimperfectmodeller

    Great photos Pat, oh for a blue sky like that in the UK before too long! Can’t imagine doing 435 miles in 8 hours in the UK, double that and an overnight stay to boot! Glad you had a good and safe trip. Makes me realise how much I’m missing travelling right now.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. ericritter65

        I was doing the travel-by-car-math-time thing in my head; we used to do 450miles in about 8-9 hours traveling from Maine to Philadelphia (lots of travel through the dense NE corridor!), now living in the South, I just did 400-miles in 6 hours, time/distance really does depend on the countryside!
        Speaking of countryside, I never realized parts of Austraila look like Kansas minus the corn and wheat fields!

        Liked by 4 people

      2. patmcf

        You are right about distance travelled compared with what type of terrain ones in, out on those plains one can really cover greater distances as at times you are on your own, at one stage I didn’t see another car for an hour 🤔.

        Liked by 2 people

      1. maenoferren22

        I used to love driving long distance, once drove from Newcastle Upon Tyne to the ferry, off the boat in either Antwerp or Rotterdam then off to Berlin, following day to North of Warsaw… loved it.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. patmcf

      Cheers mate,as you know we have moved a few degrees north and its still quite warm for autumn so that really suits me as I still have a lot of sorting to do, a bit of a bother as they tell me it does get cold here so I cant see myself getting the dio done before spring, weak bastard I hear you say ! a bloody winter when its only down to 2 degrees C is nothing!!! Sorry mate its been a long time since I lived in your magical country so forgive me for my weakness!!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. patmcf

        Ha ha ! It’s only because you are not used to it 😅I have lived up in Queensland where it gets humid 🥵now that’s hard to take even though it only 30 degrees C .

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Marvin

        I think funnily enough that’s why I struggle with British heat. It’s usually quite humid too. When it’s cold literally everything turns to ice because of the high humidity except when very rare cold weather events come from the east (Siberia). Although much colder than usual, eastern cold air is dry = no ice!

        Liked by 3 people

      3. patmcf

        It is the humidity mate , when we left the farm in NSW which is pretty warm and moved to Melbourne in the mid sixties even down there the summers were long hot and dry , whereas now it can get quite humid , yep the climate has certainly changed over here 🤔.

        Liked by 3 people

      1. Ann

        Heh, that’s neat; I think your daughter knows what she is talking about. I agree with Eric. The first time I drove though Kansas I thought, “Huh, looks like Texas.” 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

      1. patmcf

        Ah Ha ! your right mate, are you a local or an immigrant like me! although I might have come up from old Melbourne town I was born in Swan Hill ! so I still consider myself country! HA HA !

        Liked by 2 people

    1. patmcf

      Cheers mate ! we are so fortunate, having lived in the old country ( you know I sometimes get homesick for!) there are the pluses and minuses Eh! I’ve been listening to your pods and they are great ! but having just gone across that dry desolate area I just felt it wasn’t Orkville !! I think they would prefer the old country!! And as for the 35 mate I think like you I’m blessed with someone that doesn’t think what I do is Dorky!!

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Mark A. Morin

    Thanks for sharing the photos Pat – though at first read I thought you were getting a divorce! I love a long drive but haven’t had one in a long while. My longest was 1500 miles in one stretch without stopping except to eat etc. Was a lot younger and stupider then. I love the heat. Being a New Englander, I always say that I don’t need to shovel heat (versus snow).

    Liked by 3 people

  4. patmcf

    Sorry Mark I thought I replied, silly sod that I am! you beat me by a squillion miles mate as I think my longest stint back in the early eighties was around 650 miles and that was mostly at night but still warm! I’m with you on the heat mate. Funny story mate we drove from Brisbane to Melbourne when TA was about two, it got to around 110 degrees out in NSW, and as I hate air conditioning the windows were open but it was great to get into the pool at the hotel at the end of the drive, but I wonder if that’s why she loves the cold!! HaHa!


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