English Civil War Seige Artillery

Well I have been going through and finishing jobs that never got completed and I can say with certainty there are a lot. What with winter upon us and all the vegetables and fruit either dried or turned into chutney’s, relish or any other recipe that I could find done, I can hopefully apply myself to getting a few more done soon.

There isn’t much to say about this little guy as it is pretty simple. I know there are some great ones done before I started this, but I felt back then, when I was right into the English Civil War, that I would use the set but I didn’t get the Revell set (2566) in time.  I then realised this large set wouldn’t have fitted anyway. The original Revell set is the better as it contains the horse team that is lacking in the Mars set. I’m not sure where I got the gabions from but they turned out well when filled with mud.

Well that’s it and I hope to pop some more random ones up soon. Cheers Pat.

22 thoughts on “English Civil War Seige Artillery

    1. patmcf

      Thanks mate🤓, I have to say it’s my favourite period so look out for more down the track , I might even turn this one into s quad like Our John ( Varnish boy ) said I should when he commented on the Samurai trip tich 😉

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Kuribo

    Now this is an underrated subject for a diorama, I’d say. Its not uncommon to see tanks but older war machines make for a more appealing piece in my book. As John said, there is plenty of action in this one so its a real feast for the eyes too. Great work and good on you for finishing up old projects too!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. patmcf

      Thanks Jeff, I got such enjoyment out of doing this one I will look to do more in a similar theme like you said, I will check out more older war machines as you said but I best not get distracted , plenty more neglected things to finish 😉.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Kuribo

        Stay focused! The world needs to see the hanger 😉 In all seriousness, go wherever your inspiration takes you. I’m sure whatever you work on, it will be great!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Jeff Groves

    One of your better efforts, Pat! Interesting subject, and a well balanced composition. That poor rammer man looks a bit exposed framed between the gabions, but I figure snipers weren’t a thing back in the day!

    Liked by 4 people

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